The Bursary Program
Proud of the philanthropic principles upon which the School was founded, Girls Grammar fosters a climate of opportunity and contribution for current Grammar girls and future Grammar Women. Bursaries are offered to students for commencement in Year 7.
The School is committed to establishing and maintaining a sustainable bursary program to support families who could otherwise not access a Girls Grammar education.
Year 7 2026 Bursary applications are now closed. Information about Year 7 2027 Bursary offerings will be available in Term 4 2025.
Please note, Girls Grammar does not offer scholarships.
Maria Sulima Bursary
The Maria Sulima Bursary is awarded in honour of Dr Maria Sulima, who held a strong belief that women should have the opportunity to benefit from an excellent education.
In 1992, the year before her death, Dr Maria Sulima visited Brisbane Girls Grammar School. She chose Girls Grammar as the vehicle to fulfil her dream of providing an exceptional education to young women. In 1993, funds were bequeathed to the School to provide the Maria Sulima Bursary, with the first bursaries awarded in 1995.
BGGS Bursary
At Brisbane Girls Grammar School, we are proud of our important role in empowering girls and young women to contribute to our collective future—a future of opportunity and promise, to be faced with confidence and optimism. An excellent education should unlock potential, spark curiosity, and inspire wonder in learning. The School is proud to again award the BGGS Bursary in 2026.
P&F Association Bursary
In 2022, the BGGS Parents and Friends Association Bursary was established to honour the Association's 70th anniversary. The P&F is pleased to offer this Bursary again in 2026.
Bursary information
Bursary applicants will be expected to display the overarching characteristics of a Grammar girl:
- be curious, principled, adventurous, balanced and a leader
- possess character and leadership traits that demonstrate a ready willingness to participate in a range of educational and school-related activities
- exhibit evidence of intellectual and systematic curiosity and an eagerness to embrace the breadth of opportunity with the potential to lead
- be prepared to actively participate and achieve in co-curricular programs such as sport, visual arts, drama, music, debating and community service
- possess academic potential, reflected in effort, attitude and performance, and supported by references from their school.
Parents will be required to fully complete and submit the online Bursary application form including all requested academic, co-curricular, achievement, and reference documents for their daughter.
As all bursaries offered by BGGS are means-tested, parents will complete and submit all requested financial information and supporting documentation.
Please note, that incomplete applications i.e. applications that do not contain all requested information will not be considered. Applications that are received after the closing date will not be considered.
Bursary applicants whose applications are successfully reviewed will be required to attend an interview at the School with the Principal (or her delegate). Parents are expected to attend the interview with their daughter.
Bursaries cover up to 100 per cent of tuition fees (only), are awarded for Year 7 commencement, and apply until the student completes her journey at BGGS.
All bursaries at BGGS are offered by, and at the discretion of, the Principal.
Donate to BGGS
To donate, please complete the donation form