Things You Need to Know This Week

Interhouse Cross Country 2021

The annual Brisbane Girls Grammar School Interhouse 3km Cross Country Carnival will be held on Friday 18 June at the Rangakarra Recreational and Environmental Education Centre, Sprenger Street, Fig Tree Pocket. Parents and supporters are welcome to attend, however dogs are not permitted. The first race will commence at 9.15 am.

Parking for parents will be available on surrounding streets. Buses will have priority parking on Sprenger Street, and we ask you to keep this area free. Parking officials will direct parents and supporters on the day, so please adhere to their directions.

The Interhouse Cross Country is a school day and a whole-school event, so students are expected to attend as they would any other school day. The Carnival is a valuable experience for all students, whether they run, jog or walk. It presents an opportunity for the girls to participate and involve themselves with their peers and fellow House members. The School’s P&F Association has made a generous offer to provide a sausage sizzle for the girls and staff on the day. Please note: it is not possible to cater for any special dietary requirements. Girls should bring any other snacks, a hat, and a full drink bottle. Water bottle top-up stations will be available at Rangakarra.

Girls are to arrive at school in their sports uniform (shorts or skirt must be worn), black school shoes and formal school hat. Upon arrival, students should go to their allocated House rooms where they will change into House attire and running shoes. Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 will change first into House colours from 7.20 am. Years 7 and 8 will change into House colours from 7.45 am. Any personal items not required at the event should be left in the House room, and rooms will be locked after the girls depart for Rangakarra.

The School will transport the girls to Rangakarra by bus. Girls wishing to travel directly to Rangakarra will need to bring a signed parental permission letter by Tuesday 15 June and submit this to their House Group Teacher. Students arriving directly to Rangakarra on the day will report to the deck upon arrival for roll-marking purposes. All students will return to the School via bus.

The final presentations will occur at the End-of-Term Assembly at the School, commencing at approximately 2 pm.

May the best House win!

Mrs Anne Ingram
Deputy Principal



Official School Photographs 2021

On Thursday 17 June, official School photographs have been organised for all students. Individual portrait photographs will be taken on this day, which will then be used to develop composite group photographs for all House Group, House, Generational, Leadership and Co-curricular photographs, and the Whole School Photo.

For any students who are away on the main photo day, a catch-up session has been scheduled for Friday 16 July.

To ensure that the photo day runs smoothly, girls must carry their ID cards with them and bring their MSP envelopes with them. Please remind your daughter(s) of this.

Dress Code

In accordance with the School uniform policy, your daughter must have an immaculate uniform at all times, but we would ask that special care and attention is paid to the following details for the official photographs:

  • Skirt—pressed, with the hem sewn up
  • Blouse with nothing in the top pocket
  • black stockings (white socks are unacceptable)
  • cleaned and polished shoes
  • Ties—buttoned in the correct position and with two badges only (House and School), Leadership position badges and the Sports Brooch (if applicable) are also required
  • no School-made badges—e.g. Valentine’s Day badges—may be worn
  • Blazers with two buttons are required (no jumpers, vests or scarves).

Please note that hair is to be neatly tied back or plaited and fixed with a royal blue ribbon. In addition, no make-up or jewellery is to be worn, with the exception of watches or, if your daughter has pierced ears, sleepers or small, plain studs (gold or silver only).


Order envelopes from MSP Photography will be distributed to your daughter(s) via House Group in Week 8 and will need to be completed and handed to staff at the photograph sessions.

Ms Sarah Frew
Associate Dean



Boundary Street Resurfacing Works

 Brisbane City Council wishes to advise that road resurfacing works are scheduled for Boundary Street, Spring Hill, from Water Street to Gregory Terrace.

These works are expected to start from late May to mid-June, from 7 pm to 5 am, subject to suitable weather and construction conditions. No works will be undertaken on Fridays or Saturdays. Signage will be installed at the location of the works one business day before the works start to notify residents and businesses nearby.

Parents are asked to assist Council by not parking your vehicle on the road within the work zone during this time.

Any vehicle that is parked on the road when works are scheduled to occur will be relocated to facilitate the works, as per section 36 of the Public Land and Council Assets Local Law 2014.

Temporary inconveniences you may experience during the works are listed below.

  • Noise, dust and possible vibration from construction equipment and strong odour during the potholing and asphalt laying process. Due to workplace health and safety requirements, reversing beepers cannot be switched off.
  • Changed traffic conditions, including minor traffic delays, no standing for traffic in the work zone, reduced speed limits, lane closures and detours around the limits of the job.
  • Controlled access to driveways, with up to 15-minute periods of wait time. Traffic control officers will be in place to assist residents and pedestrians accessing properties.
  • Increased temporary street lighting, and service or collection of equipment up to one hour either side of start/finish times.

Please note, once the road resurfacing works are complete, line marking works, further minor works may also be undertaken. This work is usually completed within six weeks of the resurfacing being completed.

For enquiries about the project, please call Council’s City Projects Office on 1800 975 008 or Council’s 24-hour Contact Centre on 07 3403 8888.