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Strong ATAR results continue for 2021 graduates of Brisbane Girls Grammar School

After topping Queensland’s ATAR results in 2020, 17.72 per cent of Brisbane Girls Grammar School graduates have achieved an ATAR score above 99 (OP 1 equivalent), with two students attaining a 99.95, the highest possible ATAR score.

79.32 per cent of the Girls Grammar Year 12 2021 cohort—all of whom were eligible for an ATAR result—attained a score of 90 and above (equivalent of OP 1-5). The School’s median ATAR was 96.25.

Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler, said she was proud of the students for achieving outstanding results that reflect their focus, hard work and encouragement of one another.

‘The girls have been remarkable this year–positive, hard-working but never selfish. They have attained these results for themselves but also for their teachers and for their School. They care deeply about one another and celebrate their shared success’.

‘These results have been made possible by our expert and caring teachers who have negotiated the challenges of a new system and a pandemic, without losing sight of the joy to be found in learning,’ said Ms Euler.

Countering the national average of fewer than 10 per cent of senior students choosing to study STEM subjects, more than 88 per cent of the Year 12 2021 Girls Grammar cohort studied at least one Science subject, and over 85 per cent continued with at least one Mathematics subject.

‘Girls Grammar students understand the value of the skills they develop in Science and Mathematics and their importance in addressing the challenges we face in the modern world—they embrace these exciting opportunities in their tertiary studies and careers beyond,’ Ms Euler said.

‘Equally, they understand the value of a broad liberal education–underpinned by the humanities, languages and the arts–which develops their wisdom and ability to make sense of the world’.

BGGS graduate and Dux of the School, Samantha Atherton, who studied Chemistry, Physics and Biology, and two Mathematics subjects, attained a 99.95 ATAR score.

Samantha received a Tuckwell Scholarship from Australian National University (ANU) and plans to follow her passion for science and study medicine. ‘Both Bioengineering and Biotechnology are expanding fields that can assist medical practices and help cure disease,’ she said.

Brisbane Girls Grammar School is unique among high-achieving independent secondary schools in Queensland, as it offers no scholarships and is academically non-selective in its main year of entry (Year 7) with places offered in strict date order of application.

View the School’s 2021 ATAR results