Robotics Club—FIRST Tech Challenge

During the school holidays, Imogen Dingle (7W), Angelica Ng (8B) and Aliyah Woodford (7L) attended the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Robotics Captains and Coaches day at Grace Lutheran College, Rothwell.

The students spent the day collaborating with like-minded peers, strategising, and developing a game plan for their upcoming FTC Robotics Competition, which will be held later this year. The international release of the 2021 competition brief was only released in September, so it was a full day of designing and modifying the robot they’ve built over the last few months.

The day provided our students with an opportunity to collaborate with students from other schools across the state and gain insight from experienced coaches and umpires of the competition.

The students concluded the event with a greater sense of confidence in their game strategy and a clear vision for the future of their robot.

Mr Anthony Lumsden
Senior Laboratory Technician