Just Because campaign

Last Friday, BGGS mothers enjoyed their first Autumn (normally Spring) Luncheon since 2019. It was a beautiful event, with an atmosphere of friendship, celebration, and gratitude. The notion of gratitude was cultivated through the launch of the Just Because campaign, which ties to the School’s Guiding Principle of Belonging and Wellbeing.

It was a joyful afternoon where mothers were surprised with a video, shared below, in which girls thanked their mothers ‘just because’.

Some of our students expressed gratitude to their mothers for driving them to early morning training, comforting them when they need it, and making them better students and young women.

We know that practising gratitude positively impacts not only the recipient but also the person expressing gratitude. This was certainly the case on Friday, as we asked the mothers who they wished to thank … Just Because. Mothers had an opportunity to write a postcard of thanks to anyone in the BGGS community—staff, their daughters, other parents. Photos from this luncheon can be viewed in Photos of the Week. Mothers filled in almost 200 postcards, many of them thanking our staff who were very grateful to receive kind messages.

We hope you enjoy this video, which reminds us that even the very simplest of things provides a reason for us all to be grateful. At a time when it can be very easy to focus on what is difficult, these postcard messages may give you a lift, at the end of a long and tricky term.

BGGS staff reading their Just Because postcards for the first time.