Design—guest lecturer

The Technologies Faculty regularly invites industry professionals to present to our senior Design students. Ms Jane McConnell, Director of interior design company, JMID, which has been responsible for prominent residential and commercial projects both in Australia and abroad, returned to speak to our Year 11 Design students regarding project initiation and the importance of ‘why’ when designing interior spaces. Jane also shared the work of JMID with their ongoing redesigns of the Southern Cross Austereo studios nationwide and the Michael Hill Jeweller Headquarters.

Ms McConnell’s lecture was tailored to Year 11’s current Experiencing Design unit. The discourse explored the notion of narrative design where each design decision is part of a larger story, or connection to the client, or an organisation and the people within it. Her own visual examples provided significant insight into the design process and undoubtedly the students made immediate connections to their Design coursework. Ms McConnell’s enthusiasm for design and mentoring young women in the industry was certainly felt by our Year 11 Design students, several of whom have already reflected on how her presentation evolved their thinking in relation to their current task.

The annual Technologies lecture series aims to inspire and provide students with insight and advice on design careers, significant factors impacting various design fields and firsthand exposure to the role design plays in different industries. Our students can look forward to upcoming presentations on architecture, fashion, textile design, and circular economies.

The Technologies Faculty thanks Ms McConnell for imparting her expertise to our students and staff. Our Faculty is always enthusiastic to connect with industry and showcase contemporary practice. If you work in a design field and would like to provide our students with similar experiences, please feel free to contact me via email.

Mr Shane Skillen
Head of Learning Innovation and Design