Chinese Classroom sharing!

One of our highlights from the year so far was when Year 12 Chinese students were invited to visit the Year 7 students for an engaging afternoon of PowerPoint presentations. At the end of Term 2, the Year 12 Chinese class had the opportunity to listen to the Year 7 Chinese class present their Chinese multimodal presentations, which included some interesting and important topics.

Along with bubble milk tea and traditional Chinese snacks, we were able to see their great progress throughout the year so far, given some of them had only just started the subject this year.

This insightful opportunity allowed the students to develop interpersonal communication skills and broaden their understanding of different perspectives in a fun and enjoyable environment. Not only was it a chance to give advice and talk about the experiences of senior Chinese, but we could also reflect on the dramatic improvement of our Chinese over the years.

Tiffany Yeo (12E) and Sophia Zhuang (12M)