End of Our First Week in Quarantine

I suspect that right across Brisbane our families are hoping to ‘sign off’ this afternoon, as best they can, to regroup and prepare for the week ahead. BGGS News contains important details that will help you make the arrangements you need to make and, also, some beautiful stories about how our students have spent this unusual week ‘at’ Girls Grammar.

We hope that remotely educating and supporting your daughter has been the most valuable and helpful thing we could provide at this time, but if there is ever anything more you think might benefit our community please complete the Parent Survey or send a direct email. Thank you for your feedback, offers of assistance and messages of support, already received. The strength, intelligent observations and wise reflections have been greatly appreciated by us all.

I have been in regular contact with Brisbane Grammar School Headmaster, Mr Anthony Micallef, and we are both committed to coordinating the efforts of our two Schools in any way that might support our families to transition out of our current circumstances as smoothly as possible. This includes a shared a testing centre between the two Schools and the establishment of another at Bowen Hills from next Wednesday, with specific details to follow on Monday.

There has been much discussion about how things will be different when we come out of quarantine, including whether there will be a requirement for all students to wear masks, what events and activities can be held and what restrictions may be in place. Knowing these things as far in advance as possible helps us to find our way through, and we will advise you as soon as possible about these practical and important details.

The swiftness and dramatic nature of the change in all of our lives since this time last Friday has undoubtedly taken us by surprise. However, the transition to our new reality–whether that be remote learning for our students, teaching from some (not always comfortable) locations for our teachers, or the complex juggle for our parents balancing demanding work roles with all the variables of family life–has been remarkably smooth. This has only been made possible due to the extraordinary professionalism and care of our entire Staff, the patient understanding of our families and the inspiring initiative of our girls.

To our Grammar students and families who have COVID or are caring for those who do, I hope that you are receiving all of the medical expertise and personal care you need at this worrying time. We send you our very best wishes.

Ms Jacinda Euler

Please read our latest COVID update here.