Water Polo Swimathon

This term, students anticipating to trial in Water Polo—both at a club and for school—are encouraged to participate in the first-annual Water Polo Swimathon to raise funds for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance in partnership with STEPtember. Teams are encouraged to raise funds for the charity.

Girls are encouraged to form teams of three or four to participate in a group 2.5 km or 3.5 km swim on Friday 27 August at Girls Grammar. Distance will be determined by the number of students in the team and the average age of participants.

Teams will be encouraged to prepare for the Swimathon by attending ‘Swim for Polo’ on Tuesdays and/or Thursday mornings from 6 am to 7.30 am at the School pool from Week 1, Term 3.

Water Polo Parent Support Group will support the Swimathon event by hosting a sausage sizzle for participants and spectators. There will also be prizes for the most enthusiastic teams on the day.

The Swimathon will be an excellent opportunity to build your swim fitness in the lead up to trials and the new season, while also having some fun with your friends. For any enquiries, or to volunteer as a Parent for the event please email the Water Polo Coordinator (awhite@bggs.qld.edu.au).

Ms Annabelle White

Water Polo Coordinator