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Instrumental Music News

Farewell to Mrs Elizabeth Worth

Sadly, we farewell Instrumental Music Administration Officer, Mrs Elizabeth Worth.

Mrs Worth has worked at BGGS for 11 years, and in that time, she has ensconced herself as the all-knowing, wonderful and kind person that we have all come to know and love. Every student, parent, staff member, or community client over the past 11 years who has been involved with Instrumental Music at BGGS, has had the great fortune and privilege to know Mrs Worth.

The BGGS Instrumental Music family wishes Mrs Worth all the very best for her future.

Cancelled Events

Unfortunately, we had to make the difficult decision to cancel the 2022 Senior Music Camp (January 28-30) and the Choral Workshop (Saturday 5 February). Stay tuned for alternate arrangements.


All students enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program at the end of 2021 have been automatically re-enrolled for 2022. If there is a change to the current enrolment, a new 2022 Music Enrolment Form will need to be submitted.

Students currently taking private lessons at the School are also automatically re-enrolled. To discontinue lessons, an email to the private music teacher and the music office is required via before Friday 11 February.

A reminder that should a student wish to withdraw from the program, a confirmation email from a parent is required. Emails are to be sent to


From Monday, the Instrumental Music storeroom will again become a hive of activity. Students are reminded to store their instruments securely either inside the storeroom or secured in a locker.

2022 Lessons and Rehearsals

At this stage, we will be following the timeline below for the commencement of lessons and ensemble rehearsals in Term 1, 2022:

Week 1 (commencing 24 January)

  • No lessons or rehearsals

Week 2 (commencing 31 January)

  • Students in Years 8 to 12 may be engaged remotely during the week

Week 3 (commencing 7 February)

  • Students in Years 8 to 12 commence lessons in person
  • Ensembles starting rehearsals—Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Winds, Chorale, Chamber Singers, Chamber Strings, Mendelssohn Strings

Week 4 (commencing 14 February)

  • Continuing (from primary school) Year 7 Students commence lessons. Students in Years 8 to 12 continue lessons
  • Ensembles starting rehearsals—Wind Symphony, Chamber Winds, Concert Winds, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Big Band, Stage band, Jazz Ensemble, Little Big Band, Vivaldi Strings, Albinoni Strings, Bartok Strings, Copland Strings, Dvorak Strings, Euphonix, Voices, Vox, Grammar Singers, Encore, All Percussion Ensembles, Guitar Ensemble, Celtic Ensemble, Gypsy Band

Week 5 (commencing 21 February)

  • All students (Years 7 to 12) continuing lessons
  • Ensembles starting rehearsals—Wind Band, Elgar Strings.

Students in Year 7 who have enrolled to start Instrumental Music on a new instrument for the first time will have the opportunity to participate in a try-out day. There will be a further opportunity for more Year 7 students to enrol early next week. Further details will be made available shortly.

New Instrumental Music Contacts
Music Dates at a Glance


  • Monday 21 February and Wednesday 23 February (pending due to restrictions)—Upper Intermediate String Fest
  • Saturday 12 March—Intermediate String Workshop
  • Tuesday 22 March from 3.30 pm—Junior Band Workshop
  • Monday 28 March from 6 pm—Autumn String Concert
  • Wednesday 30 March from 6 pm—Jazz and Percussion Concert
  • Thursday 31 March—Viola Day

Signature Events

  • Friday 4 March from 6 pm—International Women’s Day Concert (pending due to restrictions)
  • Saturday 4 June from 2 pm—Cathedral Concert
  • Sunday 14 August from 4 pm—BGGS Gala

Music Support Group (MSG)

Our Music Support Group (MSG) provides crucial support to the Instrumental Music program at BGGS, including fundraising for identified initiatives, support to staff and students at Instrumental Music performances, and friendly faces at community events involving the Instrumental Music department.

In 2022, our MSG officers are:

President—Christine Trappett

Vice President—Jade Jago

Secretary—Rowena MacIntosh

Treasurer—Catherine Myers

Purchasing Officer—Karen Stafford

The MSG meets monthly during school terms. The meeting dates for 2022 are:

  • Wednesday 9 February at 6 pm—Welcome and Meeting – Via Zoom
  • Thursday 3 March at 6 pm—MSG Meeting, via Zoom
  • Thursday 21 April at 6 pm—MSG Meeting, Choir Room
  • Wednesday 18 May at 6 pm—MSG Meeting, Choir Room
  • Wednesday 20 July at 6 pm—MSG Meeting, Choir Room
  • Wednesday 24 August at 6 pm—MSG Meeting, Choir Room
  • Wednesday 5 October at 6 pm—MSG Meeting, Choir Room
  • Thursday 10 November at 6 pm—AGM, Choir Room

Music Support Group News

The MSG would like to extend an open invitation to all Music families to join us for our first meeting for 2022 on Wednesday 9 February at 6 pm.

Unfortunately, the current restrictions mean that we will have to meet online. The Zoom link for this meeting is provided above and will also be available on the School App notices. The meeting will provide an opportunity to meet some of the key staff and MSG committee members, as well as learn about the role of the MSG in supporting the BGGS music program. We will also provide an update on upcoming music events, hoping that 2022 brings more certainty to the music program in general.

If you have any questions for the MSG, the committee can be contacted at