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Astronomy Club awards

‘My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all’—Stephen Hawking.

Astronomy has long been studied as part of the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Science curriculum.  The Astronomy Club offers students in Years 7 to 10 the opportunity to explore topics beyond the curriculum. Students can also take part in hands-on activities and experiments and spend additional time using the School’s telescopes at the Dorothy Hill Observatory at Marrapatta.

On Thursday last week, we held the first-ever Astronomy Club Awards. To receive the award, students had to demonstrate commitment to the club throughout the year and successfully attain a variety of objectives relating to astronomy and space science. This year, the Astronomy Club award was presented to the following students:

  • Evie Bremhorst (7G)
  • Minuli Ilangamage (7H)
  • Lucy Juffs (7R)
  • Elisia Lee (8G)
  • Janvi Mohan (7M)
  • Helena Ng (7L)
  • Emma Nguyen (7E)
  • Saanvi Prasad (7L)
  • Evie Sayer (9L)
  • Charlotte Yorke (7L)
  • Yihao Zeng (7R)

For students who have previously demonstrated the criteria required for the Astronomy Club Award, the Advanced Award recognises ongoing commitment to the club and continued enthusiasm for the subject. This year, the Advanced Award was presented to the following students:

  • Ajin Kyoung (9H)
  • Lauren Liang (9L)

Thank you to Ms Mynott and Miss Talbot for presenting these awards and congratulations to all students—we are very proud of their achievements.

Mrs Katy Smith
Astronomy Club Coordinator