Update Your Alumnae Record

The School seeks to maintain a connection with its alumnae of all generations and backgrounds.

Fill out the below form to update your details and hear about upcoming events and opportunities to reconnect with fellow Grammar Women.

If you would like to update the School’s records for one of your peers, please fill out theĀ Share Alumnae Records Form.

1. Your Details

Please enter a year in YYYY format

Please provide your first name

Please provide current last name

Please provide school last name

2. Address Details

Please provide a street address

Please provide a street address

Please provide a city

Please provide a state

Please provide a postcode

Please make a selection

3. Contact Details

Please provide a valid email address

Please provide a valid phone number

4. Personal Details

e.g. further study, full-time employment, retired

Please provide details

5. Career Details

We would like to understand how your career has developed since you left Brisbane Girls Grammar School. If there are any questions you would prefer not to answer, please leave them blank.

Please provide a valid URL starting with either http:// or https://

Please provide details

Please provide details

Please provide details

Please provide details

Please provide details

Have you pursued your career aspirations?

Please make a selection

Please provide details

6. Support the School

If you would like to offer your support to the School, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Please check all that apply so we may tailor invitations and events to suit you.

I am aware of the benefits of being a member of the Grammar Women community and I am intending to stay connected to the School.

Please make a selection

Thank you for supporting Brisbane Girls Grammar School. If you would like to provide any further information, please do not hesitate to contact grammarwomen@bggs.qld.edu.au or +61 7 3332 1437.

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