Giving to Girls Grammar

Supporting Brisbane Girls Grammar School has lasting and life-changing impact—your gift allows the School to build a strong future for Grammar girls.

Girls Grammar was built upon a heritage of giving, with each generation benefiting from the generosity of those who went before. Throughout its history, Girls Grammar’s diverse community has remained united in its shared belief in the importance of providing girls an exemplary education, with the opportunity to maximise their potential and contribute to society.


‘Brisbane Girls Grammar School remains proud of our culture of giving back and the School’s important role in empowering girls and young women to contribute to our collective future’
— Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh


Our Philanthropic Priorities

Brisbane Girls Grammar School’s philanthropic priorities are focused on four pillars essential to the School’s commitment to a broad, liberal education for girls. Read more about our philanthropic priorities below.


Creating Access and Opportunities

Girls Grammar fosters a climate of opportunity and has a rich history of educating girls from diverse backgrounds. Through Bursaries, the School is committed to offering the life-changing experience of a Girls Grammar education to girls who may not otherwise be able to attend the School. Gifts to the BGGS Bursary Fund provide support for needs-based bursaries and are fully tax-deductible.


Inspirational Teaching and Learning Spaces

Providing inspirational and engaging learning spaces is essential to support students to achieve their full potential.

Donations to the BGGS Building Fund contribute towards major projects to develop and maintain excellent purpose-built learning environments, such as the School’s newest facility, the Science Learning Centre.

Make a gift to the BGGS Building Fund and help us complete the Periodic Table in the Science Learning Centre. Choose from one of the remaining elements and have it dedicated in your name, or nominate your chosen House to support.

Library Fund

Excellent Educational Resources

The Elizabeth Jameson Research Learning Centre houses a vast array of specialist resources to spark imagination and discovery, and deepen knowledge. Gifts to the BGGS Library Fund are tax-deductible and help Girls Grammar to build a collection of enriching educational resources to stimulate students’ curiosity.

Sport Program

Active Bodies, Healthy Minds

The School has a long tradition of encouraging students to train and perform to their highest potential in their chosen sport. Gifts to the BGGS Sports Program, through the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF), are tax-deductible. Every contribution helps to provide Grammar girls access to excellent sporting facilities, equipment and sports programs.


A Gift in your Will

Including a gift in your Will is a transformative way to enrich the lives of future generations of women. After making provisions for your family and other beneficiaries, it is a chance to make a lasting gift that will support young women to thrive. The Sophia Beanland Circle acknowledges those who have provided for Brisbane Girls Grammar School through a bequest.

If you would like more information about making a bequest to Brisbane Girls Grammar School, please contact the Development team via email, or phone 07 3332 1300.

Our Donors’ Stories

Brisbane Girls Grammar School is grateful to have a generous community of donors and volunteers. We are pleased to celebrate and share some of the inspiring stories of support towards a Girls Grammar education.

Making a Pledge Gift

You can contribute to the future of girls’ education and support Girls Grammar by making a single gift or a pledge. A pledge is a tax-deductible gift spread over two to five years and can be completed through monthly or annual instalments.

A pledge is a way to structure philanthropic giving and assist in your financial planning. Pledges also help BGGS to progress projects with confidence.

To discuss making a pledge gift, please contact the Development team via email or phone 07 3332 1300.


Gifts in Kind

Brisbane Girls Grammar School welcomes non-monetary gifts that enhance an academic or co-curriculum program, or an existing Girls Grammar collection. Previous gifts have included artwork, special equipment and other tangible personal property. Brisbane Girls Grammar School is an approved participating recipient institution in the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program.

To discuss donating a gift in kind, please contact the Development team via email or phone 07 3332 1300.



The School is proud to acknowledge the generosity of our supporters. All donors will be publicly acknowledged in the School’s Annual Review and yearly Impact of Giving report unless the donor requests anonymity. Only donor names, not donation amounts, are published.

Impact of Giving Report 2023

In 2023, our donors contributed significantly to the School’s
philanthropic priorities. We are grateful for the generosity of
our community.

Roll of Electors

Brisbane Girls Grammar School’s Board of Trustees is elected by a Roll of Electors, comprising supporters of the School.